Capitol Commons and Cafe 244 Changes in Service
The hours of operation for Capitol Commons are:
- Breakfast: 7:00am – 10:00am
- Lunch: 11:00am – 1:30pm
- Please note the following temporary closures and changes in service:
- Offering alternative pre-packaged salads, sandwiches, and bottled beverages
- Soup will be served near pre-packaged items
- Grits and oatmeal near pre-packaged items
- Coffee bar/Starbucks – closed
- Seattle’s Best coffee will be served inside the cafeteria at the tea/water station
- Regional Entrée Station – open
- Piccola Italia (pizza station)- Monday - Thursday
- Butcher and Baker deli – closed
- Roost – closed
- Pico Mesa – Monday - Thursday
- Salad Bar - closed
- Flame (grill) will expand offerings to include a hot entrée and additional sides.
- The full Flame menu is still available for lunch along with Red Tag specials.
- Action Station – Tuesday - Thursday
- Offering alternative pre-packaged salads, sandwiches, and bottled beverages
The hours of operation for Cafe 244 are:
- Breakfast: 7:00am - 10:00am
- Lunch: 11:00am - 1:30pm
- Please note the following temporary closures and changes in service:
- Offering alternative pre-packaged salads, sandwiches, and bottled beverages
- Grill – open
- Grits will be served at the grill
- Butcher and Baker deli - closed
- Entrée/Hot Line – open
- Soup will be served at the entrée station
- Action Station – Tuesday - Thursday
- Pizza Station – Tuesday - Thursday